Livestream on the Te Tahuna Trust Annual General Meeting - 12 December 2020 The annual general meeting on Saturday, 12 December 2020 will be live streamed on this website at 9.45 am and can be accessed by clicking this link.
Livestream on the Rotoiti 3V3 Annual General Meeting - 12 December 2020
The annual general meeting on Saturday, 12 December 2020 will be live streamed on this website at 1.00 pm and can be accessed by clicking this link. Tēna koutou katoa,
The Trustees and Management Team of Te Tahuna Trust hope that you and your whānau are taking care of yourselves during these elevated levels due to Covid-19. Here is an update that we would like to share with you in regard to the management of our Tāonga, Rotoiti 13D2. Annual General Meeting - 12 December 2020 Due to the re-emergence of Covid-19 during the past months, and a change in Alert Levels, we have closely monitored the landscape, keeping in mind that many of our shareholders that attend our Annual General Meetings are in the high risk group. As a result of this, we have determined that the earliest time that we could safely hold an annual general meeting is: Te Tahuna Trust Annual General Meeting 2020 Saturday, 12 December 2020 10.00am at Tapuaeharuru Marae For those that could not attend (e.g. for reasons relating to access like, health or distance) the Annual General Meeting will be live streamed over the internet through our Website and Facebook Page. Wetland Management We continue with our information gathering exercises in regard to management of the flooding issues for the rental properties on Tamatea Street. The Trustees want to address these issues as quickly as humanly possible. However, due to issues such as information gathering from a wide range of organisations, this is proving to take more time that we would hope for. We have engaged the services of OPUS-WSP for engineering solutions, and engaged with groups such as the Regional Council and Ngāti Pikiao Environmental Society and others, to appropriately manage this issue. We hope to be able to address this issue in the next 6 months, Mar-July 2021. Rotoma Kaumatua Project Te Tahuna Trust are an active partner along with other Ngāti Tamateatutahi-Ngāti Kawiti Land Trusts to progress an initiative lead by Rotoma No. 1 Incorporation to better support our shareholders, specifically Kaumatua. This initiative has brought us together to discuss common issues that exist between our land trusts, and to form solutions that leverage our individual capacity to assist our shareholders. We continue to progress this at each meeting. Trustee Elections At our Annual General meeting on Saturday, 12 December 2020, we will ask for 3 nominations for new trustees. This has come about due to the recent resignation by trustee Raina Meha, and the precursory need for 2 new Trustees. A special recognition is given to Raina for, in a tenure of 4 years suggesting and implementing incremental changes to the operation of the Trust. The Trustees of Te Tahuna wish Raina well with future endeavors. All nominations are welcome and we look forward to working with future Trustees that work from heart space, to manage and develop the resources of Te Tahuna Trust for our shareholders, in line with our Strategic Plan. Ngā mihi, Ivor Jones Chairperson Te Tahuna June 2020
Tēna koutou katoa, Strategic Directions In our monthly trustee hui, we work on a continual basis to further the strategic direction we have set for the trust. Those actions relate to these strategic directions, specifically:
2020 Annual General Meeting - 26 September, 10.00am - Tapuaeharuru Marae, Rotoiti We seek the nomination of 2 trustees to increase the total number of trustees from 3 to 5. It was decided at the 2019 AGM to have an odd number of trustees to help decision making, in the event of a deadlock in voting. Trustees are planning a special event for this particular AGM. Please do contact our trust Secretary, Martin Kinder to discuss the process to apply ([email protected] - 07 343 1056). Financial Portfolio review In preparation for our AGM and as an annual activity, at our June hui, trustees reviewed its diversified investment portfolio with Craigs Investment Partners. Distribution Policies and Grant Approval As a monthly hui activity, Trustees review the grant applications that come in for a range of things that are governed by our Distribution Policies. We ask all shareholders to please take advantage of this facility as it is always underutilised. As such, we are undertaking a review of our distribution policies in the wake of COVID-19 to improve the reach and effectiveness of assistance to shareholders. Ngāti Tamateatutahi Land Trusts Te Tahuna continues to work with Ngāti Tamateatutahi Land Trusts (Rotoma No. 1, Tautara Matawhaura, and Rotoiti 3v3) on an initiative that will collectively benefit our Kaumatua and Rangatahi. We are working to this being implemented in 2021. Ngā mihi, Ivor Jones Chairperson Tēna koutou katoa,
Wetland At our most recent trustee meeting, trustees met with Graeme O'rouke (Bay of Plenty Regional Council), and discussed issues around the lakes and the effect of lake levels on the wetland. We will continue to work our relationship with BOPRC and other stakeholder as part of our investigative work around addressing issues that affect our lease holders on Tamatea Street. Education Grants The trust received a total of 101 tertiary education grants for the 2020 round. Of these, 80 applications were processed, while the 20 remaining applications were not processed due to issues with the applications such as, 'not an owner', or 'previously input into the website resulting in a double entry', and/or were 'incomplete'. This is comparable to 2019 applications where we had 103 applications with 80 being funded. The value of all grants for 2020 approximated $24 000 in total. Te Tokotoru o Manawatokotoko The trust has asked the organisers of this initiative to provide a formal report on the process so that leanings can be taken from it and worked on for future initiatives. The initiative was such a powerful response to unprecedented events that it was thought a formal review would be invaluable. Policies The trusts distribution policies can be viewed and cover the areas of Cultural, Social, Education, and Economic Development. Please do check them out and if you have any questions, please approach the trust secretary Martin Kinder. Ngā mihi, Ivor Jones Chairperson Tēna koutou katoa,
All our Trustees and Management Staff of Te Tahuna Trust hope that you have been well and safe during these COVID-19 times. We would like to provide you with a brief update on several issues that we continue to work on since the Annual General Meeting in September 2019. Wetland We are working with WSP Opus consulting and other stakeholders to explore the ecological issues relating to the Hinehopu wetland behind the rental properties on Tamatea Street. This is proving to be a lengthy process and we engage with a range of organisations including local authorities and community groups. Te Tokotoru o Manawatokotoko update Te Tahuna Trust along with 13 other land trusts contributed to the rapid collective response to COVID-19. Our concern was the potential impact on our most vulnerable stakeholders (Kaumatua). As a result, a group of volunteers from iwi and across local Māori organisations have worked tirelessly to identify the most vulnerable stakeholders in the Rotorua area and to offer support to them in the form of care packages. By all reports, this initiative was successful. Education Grants – Extension to closing date – May 7 2020 The closing date for applications to this year’s round of education grants is extended to the 7 May 2020. Please check the status of your online applications here. Economic Development Opportunities – New Business Loans During these times of COVID-19, the Trust would like to remind shareholders to take advantage of this offer. We aim to create for Te Tahuna Trust owners and their descendants an environment for successful Maori business ventures and economic growth. We want to do this by building a base of skilled Maori business enterprises and developing alliances for Maori economic development. Loans are available for Business investigation funding and /or capital/set up costs. Maximum loan is $15,000 and loans are repayable with concessionary interest payable. Ngā mihi, Ivor Jones Chairperson Tēna koutou katoa,
Applications for 2020 Tertiary Education Grants are now open Applications are made on line at the Deloitte Rotorua website You must be able to whakapapa to the trust to be eligible to apply. Full eligibility criteria is on the website Applications close on 30 April 2020. Ngā mihi, Ivor Jones Chairperson Kia ora to everyone that was able to attend our 2019 Annual General Meeting at Tapuaeharuru Marae this morning. It was a full house and thank you to everyone for participating in the strategic discussion regarding the your aspirations for the whenua. The hākari was awesome too!!! Detailed below are a couple of photographs from the AGM and the Te Tahuna Trust - Mihi by the Trustees video. Kia ora ra, Ivor Jones Chairperson 2019 Te Tahuna Trust Ranga ranga to hau ki te muri. Ranga ranga to hau ki te tonga. Kia makinakina ki uta. Kia mataratara ki tai. Kia whakapuke nga ngaru o te ngaru e. Ko nga Potiki a Hinehopu Heru ai i Te Mataarae i O Rehu Tihe mauri ora! Kai nga uri whakaheke o Matawhau nga uri a Uruika nga uri a Te Tahuna huihui mai whakatau mai ra ki te hui a tau. Ka tangihia o tatau tini mate kua ngaro i a tatau i roto i te tau kua mahue ake mai i te hui kua hori ki muri. Ratau ki a ratau a tatau te hunga ora ki a tatau. Haere mai, haere mai, tena tatau katoa! Ranga ranga to hau ki te muri. Ranga ranga to hau ki te tonga. Kia makinakina ki uta. Kia mataratara ki tai. Kia whakapuke nga ngaru o te ngaru e. Ko nga Potiki a Hinehopu Heru ai i Te Mataarae i O Rehu Tihe mauri ora! Kai nga uri whakaheke o Matawhau nga uri a Uruika nga uri a Te Tahuna huihui mai whakatau mai ra ki te hui a tau. Ka tangihia o tatau tini mate kua ngaro i a tatau i roto i te tau kua mahue ake mai i te hui kua hori ki muri. Ratau ki a ratau a tatau te hunga ora ki a tatau. Haere mai, haere mai, tena tatau katoa! Reminder notice that the Annual General Meeting of owners will be held at Tapuaeharuru Marae, Rotoiti on Saturday 7 September 2019 at 10am AGENDA Mihi Apologies Strategic Plan Chairman’s report Financial report Re-appointment of auditor Distribution Policy Trust order review – (see details over page) Minutes 2018 AGM General business Ivor Jones Chair Two notified matters to discuss at the Annual General Meeting TRUST ORDER REVIEW
TRUSTEE FEES The trustees seek an amendment to clause 3(b)(viii) of the Trust Order which covers trustees’ meeting fees, to increase trustee fees. The current trustee meeting fee of $250 gross was set in 2007. The trustees seek a review of that fee to recognise it has been in place for 12 years without review and to acknowledge the increased input required from the trustees given their increased responsibility and workload. After taking advice and comparing trustee fees for similar trusts, approval for an increase to $450 is sought. TRUSTEES ROTATION POLICY The trustees propose a further amendment to the Trust Order to introduce a trustees’ rotation policy. The trust currently has 4 trustees, appointed by the Maori Land Court, who remain trustees until they die, retire or are removed. The trustees propose that in future a rotation policy will be put in place so that every three years, two trustees will retire by rotation. Those trustees may seek re-election and other nominees can also contest those positions. The rotation is proposed to commence in 2012. There will an opportunity to discuss both these proposals at the AGM, and if approved, an application will be made to the Maori Land Court to incorporate the changes into an updated Trust Order |
NoticesHere you will find announcements for Annual General, Meetings, and Public Announcments. Archives
September 2024