Ranga ranga to hau ki te muri. Ranga ranga to hau ki te tonga. Kia makinakina ki uta. Kia mataratara ki tai. Kia whakapuke nga ngaru o te ngaru e. Ko nga Potiki a Hinehopu Heru ai i Te Mataarae i O Rehu Tihe mauri ora! Kai nga uri whakaheke o Matawhau nga uri a Uruika nga uri a Te Tahuna huihui mai whakatau mai ra ki te hui a tau. Ka tangihia o tatau tini mate kua ngaro i a tatau i roto i te tau kua mahue ake mai i te hui kua hori ki muri. Ratau ki a ratau a tatau te hunga ora ki a tatau. Haere mai, haere mai, tena tatau katoa! Ranga ranga to hau ki te muri. Ranga ranga to hau ki te tonga. Kia makinakina ki uta. Kia mataratara ki tai. Kia whakapuke nga ngaru o te ngaru e. Ko nga Potiki a Hinehopu Heru ai i Te Mataarae i O Rehu Tihe mauri ora! Kai nga uri whakaheke o Matawhau nga uri a Uruika nga uri a Te Tahuna huihui mai whakatau mai ra ki te hui a tau. Ka tangihia o tatau tini mate kua ngaro i a tatau i roto i te tau kua mahue ake mai i te hui kua hori ki muri. Ratau ki a ratau a tatau te hunga ora ki a tatau. Haere mai, haere mai, tena tatau katoa! Reminder notice that the Annual General Meeting of owners will be held at Tapuaeharuru Marae, Rotoiti on Saturday 7 September 2019 at 10am AGENDA Mihi Apologies Strategic Plan Chairman’s report Financial report Re-appointment of auditor Distribution Policy Trust order review – (see details over page) Minutes 2018 AGM General business Ivor Jones Chair Two notified matters to discuss at the Annual General Meeting TRUST ORDER REVIEW
TRUSTEE FEES The trustees seek an amendment to clause 3(b)(viii) of the Trust Order which covers trustees’ meeting fees, to increase trustee fees. The current trustee meeting fee of $250 gross was set in 2007. The trustees seek a review of that fee to recognise it has been in place for 12 years without review and to acknowledge the increased input required from the trustees given their increased responsibility and workload. After taking advice and comparing trustee fees for similar trusts, approval for an increase to $450 is sought. TRUSTEES ROTATION POLICY The trustees propose a further amendment to the Trust Order to introduce a trustees’ rotation policy. The trust currently has 4 trustees, appointed by the Maori Land Court, who remain trustees until they die, retire or are removed. The trustees propose that in future a rotation policy will be put in place so that every three years, two trustees will retire by rotation. Those trustees may seek re-election and other nominees can also contest those positions. The rotation is proposed to commence in 2012. There will an opportunity to discuss both these proposals at the AGM, and if approved, an application will be made to the Maori Land Court to incorporate the changes into an updated Trust Order Comments are closed.
NoticesHere you will find announcements for Annual General, Meetings, and Public Announcments. Archives
September 2023